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<span>Catalogue of representative noise</span><br><span style="padding-right:45px;"> and vibration data at work</span><br><span>State Office for Occupational Safety,</span><br><span style="padding-right:45px;"> Consumer Protection and Health</span> <span>Catalogue of representative noise</span><br><span style="padding-right:45px;"> and vibration data at work</span><br><span>State Office for Occupational Safety,</span><br><span style="padding-right:45px;"> Consumer Protection and Health</span> <span>Catalogue of representative noise</span><br><span style="padding-right:45px;"> and vibration data at work</span><br><span>State Office for Occupational Safety,</span><br><span style="padding-right:45px;"> Consumer Protection and Health</span> <span>Catalogue of representative noise</span><br><span style="padding-right:45px;"> and vibration data at work</span><br><span>State Office for Occupational Safety,</span><br><span style="padding-right:45px;"> Consumer Protection and Health</span>

KarLA is an information system for noise and vibration data of motorized vehicles, self-propelled working machines as well as hand-operated working equipment.

KarLA provides representative immission and emission values.

KarLA serves for retrospective load analysis, helps in risk assessment according to the Noise and Vibrations Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance (LärmVibrationsArbschV respectively Directive 2002/44/EC) and should promote the use of machines with low noise and low vibration.

KarLA is constantly updated and amended. Hints are welcome for the improvement of KarLA as well as activities for extension of the dataset.

KarLA offers the opportunity to publish your data of Outdoor-machines (32. BImSchV or Directive 2000/14/EC).

KarLA provides a substantial service-part among others containing tools for risk assessment (e. g. exposure calculators for WBV, HAV and noise).


  • Now including an extended data stock as well as partially new names of machine groups and machine categories adapted to CEN/TR 17506, the new quality standard for vibration databases.