Last change: 08.03.2019


According to the German Occupational Safety and Health Act (ArbSchG) and the Noise and Vibrations Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance (LärmVibrationsArbschV) the employer is obliged to assess the risks of the employees and, if necessary, to derive appropriate measures to protect their health.

Part 1 “Assessment of the risk generated by noise” of the Technical Rules for Noise Vibration Ordinance (TRLV Lärm) describes the procedure for the determination of information and risk assessment according to § 3 LärmVibrationsArbSchV. This Technical Rule specifies the requirements of the LärmVibrationsArbSchV within the framework given by articles 5 and 6 of the ArbSchG.

Information sources for risk assessment with regard to noise therefore include results of workplace respectively activity-specific noise measurements, sector or activity-related information, and manufacturer information on noise emissions from machinery.

KarLA here provides sound pressure immission-levels, measured at workplaces (suitable for risk assessment under similar conditions), as well as sound pressure emission-levels which coming from machine tests. The latter ones can not be used directly for risk assessment because generally the resulting sound pressure immission-levels at workplace due to reflections in the room, other sound sources and sound from outside are a few dB above the emission levels. But they are useful for comparison in device selection.

First select the type of noise data from the menue bar at the top:

–   Noise-immission data= sound pressure immission-levels, measured at the workplace
–   Noise-emission data= sound pressure emission-levels of the machine at workplace, originating from manufacturer information (such as operating instructions)

You will also find information on the sound power levels of equipment and machinery for outdoor use under 32. BImSchV in the top navigation bar.

Catalogue of representative noise and vibration data at work

State Office for Occupational Safety, Consumer Protection and Health