Last change: 23.08.2021

Earth-moving machines calculator

This calculator is a tool for risk assessment for operators of earth-moving machines to comply with the requirements of the Noise and Vibration Ordinance on exposure to whole-body vibration.

You can calculate and document the daily vibration exposure value A (8) of these employees. If the driver performs different tasks or operates several machine categories, you can include working cycles up to a total duration of 12 hours in the calculation.

The data of the selectable machine groups are based on the averaging of measured immission values ​​(ISO/TR 25398).

For other acceleration values ​​– e.g. from user manuals or own measured values ​​- please use the WBV load calculator of the LAVG (such load calculators are also available for hand-arm vibration and Noise). For information about operating the calculator, see EXPLANATIONS.


Result of the entered load

Group/machineCategory/TypeActivitySeverityTime (h)Ax(8)Pi,xAy(8)Pi,yAz(8)Pi,z

Catalogue of representative noise and vibration data at work

State Office for Occupational Safety, Consumer Protection and Health